
Past Webinars

Foundations of the PCTI Approach

July 2024
This webinar focuses on the foundations of the person-centered, trauma-informed approach, and how to incorporate it into direct service, organizational practice, policies and procedures, and leadership.

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End of Life Care for Older Adults with a History of Trauma and their Family Caregivers: Trauma-Informed Approaches and Empowerment Strategies

November 2022
The webinar focuses on how to incorporate person-centered, trauma-informed (PCTI) principles into end-of-life care

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Resources: Cultural Sensitivity at the End of Life| Cultural Assessment Packet| Health Care Proxy Form| Delayed Reactions to Trauma Exposure| Five Wishes

Person-Centered, Trauma-Informed Program Evaluation: Principles, Practices, and Strategies

September 2022
This webinar reviews the definition and principles of pcti program evaluation, introduces the PCTI evaluation planning tool, and includes practical examples of how to incorporate PCTI principles into program evaluations.

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A Look at Trauma-Informed Care: Practical Implications for Service Providers

May 2022
Presented as part of Older Adult Mental Health Awareness Day with the National Council on Aging, this webinar reviews the effects of trauma on health and aging.

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Exploring Trauma-Informed Care for Older Adults in Western and Central New York

May 2022
This panel discussion with the Health Foundation for Western & Central New York reviews aging with a history of trauma and the person-centered, trauma-informed approach.

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Care for Older Adults with a History of Trauma: Findings and Implications of a National Survey on Person-Centered, Trauma-Informed Care

May 2022
This webinar reviews findings and implications of JFNA’s newly published report on the state of person-centered, trauma-informed care among US-based aging services providers.

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Supporting Family Caregivers of Older Adults with Dementia and a History of Trauma: Unique Challenges and Trauma-Informed Approaches

August 2021
This webinar reviews the intersection between trauma and dementia, family caregiver considerations, and how the person-centered, trauma-informed approach can help.

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Community-Building Services and Strategies for Aging Trauma Survivors

July 2021
Presented at the National Association of Area Agencies on Aging annual conference, this webinar reviews an innovative program model utilizing local governance bodies to assess and meet the needs of older adults with a history of trauma.

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Vaccine Reluctance Among Older Adults with a History of Trauma: Diverse Concerns, Trauma-Informed Strategies, and Lessons for the Future

June 2021
This webinar reviews how older adults’ histories of trauma may contribute to vaccine hesitancy among diverse populations, especially during the COVID-19 pandemic.

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How to Provide Person-Centered, Trauma-Informed Care for Older Refugees

January 2021
This webinar reviews how person-centered, trauma-informed care can be implemented to support the health and well-being of older refugees..

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Program Sustainability: Supporting Programs Beyond Initial Funding

December 2020
This webinar reviews current trends in program sustainability and provides examples of how to fundraise through the Community Reinvestment Act and community partnerships.

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Evaluation Findings of a Community Based Intervention for Holocaust Survivors

November 2020
Presented at the Gerontological Society of America Annual Scientific Meeting, this webinar reviews results and implications from an evaluation of the Critical Supports Program model.

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Emerging Issues in Aging and Trauma: Challenges and Implications for Person-Centered, Trauma-Informed Care

July 2020
This webinar provides person-centered, trauma-informed tools and techniques to address sleep disturbances and substance abuse among older adults with a history of trauma.

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A Conversations with the Administration for Community Living about PCTI Care for Older Adults and Family Caregivers

June 2020
In this webinar, the Administration for Community Living (ACL) reviews its connection and interest in person-centered, trauma-informed programming.

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Implementing Person-Centered, Trauma-Informed Care with Older Adults with a History of Trauma

May 2020
This webinar reviews person-centered, trauma-informed programming through the Center on Holocaust Survivor Care and Institute on Aging and Trauma.

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Promising Practices in Providing Person-Centered, Trauma-Informed Services During a Pandemic

April 2020
This webinar reviews how to provide person-centered, trauma-informed care to prevent social isolation and deliver nutritious food to Holocaust survivors during the COVID-19 pandemic.

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Person-Centered, Trauma-Informed Program Evaluations: Principles, Practices, and Strategies

November 2019
This webinar reviews the principles, practices, and strategies of person-centered, trauma-informed program evaluation.

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Creative Arts Interventions for Older Adults with a History of Trauma

July 2019
This webinar reviews how innovative person-centered, trauma-informed creative arts programs can address the health and well-being of older adults with a history of trauma.

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The Impact of Trauma on the Body and Brain

May 2019
This webinar reviews the consequences of trauma on the body and brain, and provides best practices to promote health and well-being in older adults with a history of trauma.

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Trauma, Hoarding, and Home Safety: Person-Centered, Trauma-Informed Interventions for Older Adults

August 2018
This webinar reviews the relationship between hoarding and trauma, and explores techniques for promoting home safety among older adults with a history of trauma.

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Person-Centered, Trauma-Informed Care for Family Caregivers of Older Adults with a History of Trauma: Needs, Challenges, and Emerging Approaches

February 2018
This webinar reviews the unique needs of family caregivers of older adults with a history of trauma, as well as how to provide them with person-centered, trauma-informed care.

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Strategies and Principles for Building Trainings on Person-Centered, Trauma-Informed Care

August 2017
This webinar reviews innovative methods of training staff, home health aides, family caregivers, and medical professionals in providing person-centered, trauma-informed care.

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Embracing the Future: How Technology Can Reduce Social Isolation Among Older Adults

July 2017
These webinar reviews methods in which technology can be used in a person-centered, trauma-informed way to reduce social isolation among older adults with a history of trauma.

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Asking the Difficult Questions: Preventing Re-traumatization During Client Intake, Interviews, and Applications

February 2017
This webinar reviews how to conduct intake, interviews, and applications of older adults with a history of trauma in a person-centered, trauma-informed way.

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Fundraising for Holocaust Survivor Care

November 2016
This webinar provides agency executives, development personnel, Federation staff, and lay leaders with information on how to raise philanthropic funding for Holocaust survivor programs.

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